Alexandra Welsch, ULIV
Alexandra Welsch has been working as part of the EU Project TEAM based at the Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool, UK since 2011. Her work includes the development and administration of the websites of the Marie Curie Networks. She is also in charge of the actualisation of the social media presence of these projects, as well as the creation and distribution of different newsletters. In June 2015 Alexandra joined the accelerating news editorial board.
In EuPRAXIA, Alexandra is the main communication contact for website enquiries.
email: alexandra.welsch(at)
Ruth Rudolph
Ruth Rudolph is working as support of all EU-Projects connected to the DESY Research and Development. She has been working for the EuCARD2 FP7 since 2014 and was involved in the EuPRAXIA Horizon2020 from 2014-2019.
Moreover she is the Administrator of the Helmholtz Accelerator Research and Development Office at DESY and responsible for organizational and financial matters regarding ARD.
As a member of the EuPRAXIA Management Support Team she supported in particular the Coordinator.
Andreas Walker
Dr Andreas Walker joined EuPRAXIA in November 2015 and acted as the Scientific Secretary of EuPRAXIA until 2019. Before joining he worked within the LUX group at the University of Hamburg, commissioning the 200 TW ANGUS laser beamline and LUX target area; developing laser quality diagnostics; building active and passive laser beam stabilization methods; working on post plasma target diagnostics; and teaching at the University of Hamburg.
Andreas obtained his PhD from Oxford University (UK), during which time he worked on several experiments aimed towards establishing more reproducible, higher energy and more accurately measured electron beams generated by a laser-driven plasma accelerator. He completed his undergraduate research in the field of high energy physics at Heidelberg University (Germany) and at SLAC, (USA) where he studied branching fractions of semi-leptonic B meson decays within the BABAR team.
Tom Minniberger, DESY
EU Office (Finances)
Tom Minniberger has been working for the EU-Interreg Projects Baltic Sea Labour Network (2008-2011) and Science Link (2012-2014). In both projects he was part of the management team and responsible for events, meetings and the financial administration. For the Baltic Sea Labour Network he also set up the project website .
In EuPRAXIA, Tom is in charge of the financial reports.
email: tom.minniberger(at)
Dr Maria Weikum
Dr Maria Weikum was involved in EuPRAXIA since the beginning of the design study, first as a PhD researcher and as Project Manager (2018-2020). Her work has included coordinating project reports, editing the Conceptual Design Report and preparing the next phase of EuPRAXIA.
Maria received her PhD from the University of Strathclyde (UK) as part of a joint project with DESY (Germany) on the study of attosecond electron beam generation, acceleration and measurement with novel accelerator technologies.
Ricardo Torres, ULIV
Scientific Communications
Dr Ricardo Torres has more than fifteen years of research experience in high-power laser-matter interactions, having worked at Imperial College London, the Institute of Chemical Physics – CSIC Spain, and the University of Salamanca. More recently he has been working as a project manager at the Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool, where he is in charge of management and communications of several European projects on particle acceleration.
Ricardo is in charge of scientific communications within EuPRAXIA.
Copyright © EuPRAXIA. All rights reserved. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653782.