CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

CNRS is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France's Ministry of Research. The CNRS operates over one thousand research units (labs), hosts more than 32000 employees of which 75 % are permanent staff: researchers, engineers, technicians and administrators) and wields a global budget of 3.400 billion euros. As the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, CNRS conducts research in many fields of knowledge through its ten research departments and participates in 460 international research programmes or labs. In the following, the four participating labs  - all of which also have an academic affiliation - are briefly presented

LPGP  is associated to CNRS and Université Paris-Sud (Orsay). The research activity is related to plasma physics, ranging from ultra-intense laser interaction with plasmas to electrical discharge plasmas and their applications.

LOA  is associated to CNRS and ENSTA. Research at LOA covers the development of ultra-short pulse lasers, laser-plasma interactions, and derived particle and radiation sources.

LULI  is associated to CNRS and École polytechnique. Research topics are plasma physics of hot dense matter, laser matter interaction, acceleration of particles with plasma waves, and development of laser.

LLR  is associated to CNRS and École polytechnique. LLR is a high energy physics lab with research groups work in particle physics experiments at CERN (LHC), and Japan, on astroparticle physics  (FERMI, HESS, CTA) and laser-plasma acceleration (CILEX).

Contact: Arnd Specka
